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March Madness!!! It’s here!

Andy Richardson Group blog

I am a basketball junkie. It has been my favorite sport my entire life.


Why? Two words: Jerry West.


Jerry West, the son of an abusive father, grew up in a small community - Chelyan, West Virginia - and through persistence, hard work, and focus, West rose to become one of basketball’s greatest players, greatest executives, and the model for the logo of the NBA.


Passing last year, Jerry West leaves a legacy of wealth for his family and West Virginia University, and a legacy of excellence for all basketball fans. 


He planned well. His intentions were clear when he died.


I have always wanted to be like Jerry West. Sure, when I was young, I wanted to be a great basketball player like him…but today I want to give my heirs the peace of mind when I pass away by having a clear estate plan in place. 


You, too, have been like Jerry…with persistence, hard work, and focus. You, too, can be like Jerry…with an estate plan that provides a clear path for your heirs. 


Call me..I can help!


(Now…excuse me - I have basketball to watch!)

Andy Richardson

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